Oh my gosh! I had a time of being caught up on my editing and sat down to check out my site. I realized I haven't blogged in 2020 AT ALL! I'm so sorry I have been away so long and am making a mid year resolution to be better with this. That said, where has 2020 gone?
The end of 2019 ended with a bang. We found out we were expecting baby #3 in December and documented a couple of weddings in the Toledo area. We spent the beginning of 2020 like we do most years with catching up on any editing needing to be done, spending time with family after a busy season, and this time sleeping a lot thanks to pregnancy haha.
In swoops March and Covid-19. I don't think at the time I had any idea how this would impact our family, the wedding industry, and the world. March saw our family (along with many others) homeschooling our oldest child. The preschool where I teach closed and I spent my days at home with my boys trying to keep some semblance of a schedule with house work, projects for the new baby, helping with remote learning, etc.
Unfortunately, all the weddings booked for this spring moved to this upcoming fall or next spring. With all going on in our lives and the world, blogging moved to the back burner. Weddings are having to adjust their locations, cut guest lists, or change dates. Many people are choosing elopement and adding a party after Covid-19 pandemic is "over". So many assumed we would be in the clear come August, however things in the States are not going that way.
All of this is to say, thank you for visiting my site. With the current world climate and changes in the wedding industry, you will likely be seeing more changes to Amanda D Photography to keep up with the times. I still will be focused on wedding photography (which is my love) but stay tuned for more information on ways that we will be evolving to offer brides the best possible wedding outcomes and documentation in these strange and evolving times. (Think wedding live streaming for those guests you cant invite, information on planning microweddings, etc)
Stay safe and happy planning
